Monday, April 25, 2005

Thoughts at large...

Yes, it's the dreaded "three-dot" blog. Well, sort of. Have a lot of things I've been reading and just wanted to put my 2 cents in on them. That way I can clean out my inbox.

Item #1: Delay hurts DeLay. I think it's the usual b.s. politics that the D's and their willing allies in the "partisan media" (a good term Rush likes to use, I'll allocate it) are playing. They can draw out the House Ethics Committee just as long as possible to cover their guilty House members (McDermott and Tubbs-Jones) and keep DeLay from clearing himself. Of course, the Washington Post came out with an article supposedly implicating DeLay for using a lobbyist's credit card during a trip. That's one congressman, let's look into the other 434, huh? Interesting that D's are the minority but take 54% of the junket trips.

Item #2: Can the Republicans collectively grow a pair? Let's get this judicial mess straightened out. Get that Constitutional option passed...hold up Senate business until we "get 'r done". Of course, the even better thing would be to dissolve the circuits as currently constituted and reappoint new ones. Theoretically it could be done. Only problem is that the next liberal pinhead could come in and do the same. Oh wait, FDR tried that once already by attempting to pack the Supreme Court.

Item #3: We have a new Pope, and that black smoke is now coming out of liberals' ears. Boy do they hate Benedict XVI. I'm betting they hope he reigns the same length of time as John Paul I. Saw a great cartoon with that theme, so I stole it.

Item #4: Lawyers will be busy on or about October 15. And I bet I see, starting about Labor Day, all the bankruptcy lawyers hitting the airwaves saying, declare bankruptcy now before the rules change! Won't be able to shirk our debts as easily.

Now I have been there in the past where I was overwhelmed but I worked my way out of it. I think it's fair that if you have the means to pay back debts, you should do so. Seems to me that if you do get into a real problem (generally from medical bills), most places will work with you if you get them involved at an appropriate time and say, hey, look, I have some money but can't pay this all at once like you want.

Only thing I wonder is if the government will be as forgiving if it's back taxes you owe.

Item #5: Today I found that they did put my Wal-Mart comment in the local paper, although they truncated it as follows:

"The Daily Times published an excellent editorial on the Wal-Mart situation on April 17. Government is out of bounds when it writes legislation to hinder a business simply because it happens to be a successful nonunion company."

I sent them another one today having to do with "Pork in the Park" rib competition and the "Beast of the East" custom motorcycle show, both local Salisbury events occuring this past weekend. (Come on down April 21-23, 2006). Basically I think since we already pay at least some tax funds for Shore Transit, they should run a shuttle between the two events. That way you can park at one and not have to move your car to the other...or even park out at the Centre of Salisbury (our mall) and shuttle from there. Anyway, we'll see what they do about that.

Item #6: Not politically related, but I do have to sit here and laugh at the folks in my old hometown of Toledo. While they got snow the last two days, we had a nice 55 degree day...little rain and a little sun. We actually got a nice weekend in considering they predicted a 90% chance of rain Friday night and Saturday. Only rain we got was late last night and some today. You could not do an event like we had this weekend in Ohio, still way too cold (obviously!)

Lots of other stuff to comment on, but I'll stick to these topics. We're pretty much done with state stuff for awhile, so now I get to watch inside the Beltway. Scary.