I got annoyed with the whining tone of this editorial in the Daily Times yesterday. Surprisingly, I thought my reply was pretty civil and not as snarky as I thought I'd be. This is what I wrote back:
Re: "Positive news needed from Iraq", June 19
William Tecumseh Sherman reminded us that "war is hell." We should have known that fighting the War on Terror would not be a pleasant duty, but a duty we needed to undertake after we were brutally attacked on 9-11.
The tides of battle ebb and flow. Right now, it may appear to the casual observer that we are losing. Sadly, even some in Congress have fallen into that trap of thinking we're in the throes of defeat. Part of the reason is the drumbeat of negative news that we're subjected to, including some in the subject editorial. Yes, we've lost 1,700 brave men and women who volunteered to fight for freedom and democracy.
But polls that become the news - are they really polls or editorial comments disguised as polls and slickly packaged? After a torrent of negativity, it's obvious that opinion would shift to the desired negative result. If you only read and listen to the "mainstream media" you would suspect we are not winning the war. Never mind that we take out many more of the terrorists in Iraq (many of whom are Iranian and Saudi nationals) than we lose, and we have rebuilt Iraq's schools and electrical infrastructure to a point where most of the country outside Baghdad enjoys a better standard of living than they had under Saddam Hussein.
It was noted that "Republican members of Congress are beginning to voice concerns." There are three noted in the editorial. Out of almost 300 Republicans in Congress, the vast majority who support the war and its aims, the mainstream media found three who are wavering in their support and trumpeted it. No quote from a Republican who still thinks we're winning - and far be it for the media to search for a pro-war Democrat. (There has to be at least one! It would be bigger news than finding a squishy moderate on the GOP side.)
Here is a quote from another local Republican: "America, be patient, and believe in our goal: to spread freedom, decency, and the principles that made our country great to places in the world that haven't yet experienced the God-given right to live freely and unencumbered by tyranny." That Republican is me, and if the Associated Press decides to call my number I will tell them that yes! I support the War on Terror and our troops. We won't take a step forward every day, and we might get knocked on our heels every so often, but the only thing that stops us is our will to win. If we don't want another Viet Nam, believe in our troops and our mission.
Damn straight. Publish this letter. I want to see somebody rag on this - oh please, I want to see just how many wussy appeaser peaceniks live in my area. I could tell them if you want peace, move to Canada...besides, didn't half the D's vow to move to that or another socialist paradise like France anyway? Yes, you Alec Baldwin.
Aaaaaahhhhh...I feel better. Now I'll just wait for the call that confirms I wrote the letter and hopefully they'll have the smarts to print it.