If I were you I'd be checking out my site too.
A couple things I didn't post in my short note. One is that I apologize for making it sound like a form letter - but I wrote to 46 bloggers and I'm not writing each note individually. I do like sleeping occasionally! Hopefully most will be cooperative in answering my questions. Unless you specifically give me permission, you're all anonymous.
Secondly, I did actually read some of the blogs as I was there but couldn't peruse them all. One thing I'll have to do on my site is sign up for Blogroll. I've been doing links the old-fashioned way, but with hundreds of good blogs out there, we have one heckuva conservative community going!
So if you are new and checking me out because you heard from me, welcome aboard!
I do have an item of import tonight. As always on Saturdays, I got my e-mail update from the Maryland GOP. Now, since I've only been here a short time, I'm not familiar with the Glendening administration, but the claim in this e-mail was that Governor Ehrlich turned a $4 billion shortfall when he took office to a $1 billion surplus. Me, I think a lot of it had to do with a great economy in general. Hard to push through a lot of spending cuts with Dems controlling the General Assembly. But we'll take the surplus. In fact - $1 billion divided by 5 million is $200 a person. I've been here 9 months, I'll just take $150.
This also from the GOP e-mail:
The Maryland Business Climate Survey, prepared quarterly by the University’s Jacob France Institute, reported that 65 percent of the 250 Maryland businesses surveyed view the State as business-friendly, compared to 53 percent of businesses surveyed in the first quarter of 2005. “The Ehrlich Administration has made it a top priority to improve Maryland’s business climate. This survey is further validation that we are accomplishing our mission of listening to businesses and giving them the tools and resources they need to grow and succeed,” said Secretary Aris Melissaratos. “Maryland has tremendous strengths – our world-class workforce, our diverse knowledge economy and our low unemployment – and we will continue to build on those and other strengths to make Maryland the most business friendly state to locate a business.” In spite of anti-business, anti-job creation measures proposed by liberal Democrats (read: the Fair Share Health Care Act), the Ehrlich/Steele Administration continues to give the business community confidence in the state.
In all seriousness, the reason I'm in Maryland is because it's ran a whole lot better than Ohio is right now (at least the Eastern Shore is.) Imagine what it would be like if the GOP controlled the General Assembly too. The Eastern Shore would be Florida north.
Oh, as far as the "enemy" (that being the Maryland Democrats,) they're just so happy that they've raised over $700,000 in the first six months of 2005. They better lock and load up, because the national GOP's going to be gunning for the Sarbanes seat. I'm ready to kick ass and take names.