Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The "vacancy" sign goes up

After years of "no room at the inn", the VACANCY sign goes up at the Supreme Court as Justice Sandra Day O'Connor retires after 24 years. And people like Linda Chavez thought the actions of the "Sellout Seven" were a good thing. I can guarantee you that the no-filibuster agreement is as good as gone now. If it were Rehnquist retiring, maybe. But a supporter of Roe v. Wade leaves and the long knives come out.

I can also tell you that I'm certain to be real frustrated this summer about this. I know I'm going to wish I could see the day when some GOP senator gets fed up with Dick Durbin and slugs him in his traitorous mouth, dropping him like a bad habit. Then for good measure he can give Harry Reid a serious beatdown too. (For Ted Kennedy, just take away his Scotch.)

The GOP is going to have to take a stand here and ramrod their nominee through. And the measures to enforce party loyalty should really be more severe. It sickened me to see both President Bush and Senator Santorum campaign for Arlen Specter last year, when Patrick Toomey, a more true conservative, campaigned for the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat. Bush should have talked to his GOP senators like he does terrorist-supporting states: you're either with us or against us. If you don't support the nominees I send up, forget seeing me for a fundraiser - I just might support a primary opponent.

But he has another big chance now, don't blow it. President Bush, I want a Scalia, not a Souter like your dad picked. I want someone who throws precedent to the wind when it contradicts the ultimate precedent - the Constitution. A justice who looks at foreign law as interesting light reading, then takes his guide from a short, 27 amendment document; in particular interested in Amendments 2, 5, and 10, which have taken a real beating of late. A justice not afraid of letting the people decide things in the particular states when it's in their best interest.

In short, let the people run this representative republic, not nine unelected lifetime appointees. (In reality, it's five unelected appointees - Thomas, Scalia, and Rehnquist fall into the category of letting the people decide in most cases.)

And now for something completely different...

You know, I'm proud to say I didn't watch a moment of Live 8. Besides the major acts of McCartney, U2, and Elton John, who was there? Oh, I guess Green Day was in on that too, that's typical given their leftist drivel. The other song right now that annoys the piss out of me is "BYOB" by System of a Down. It's a nice riff but the lyrics are asinine. Try writing and singing that one someplace like Iran or China, guys, see how you do there!

Wish there'd come a group with patriotic lyrics like in a lot of country songs but playing hard rock. Closest to come to that would likely be Ted Nugent. Loved his comments at the NRA convention, wish I was there. I have seen him in concert 4 times and enjoyed them all.

Maybe he's free to be a Supreme Court judge, I think they aren't in session during part of hunting season. A no bullshit attitude would be nice in D.C.