Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Liberals are funny sometimes...

A couple funny things happened on my way to this forum.

As usual, I take a look at a couple left websites. On my Favorites list...What the enemy is up to (MD Dems) and Fired Up! Maryland (news from the dark side.)

The enemy: Take a look at this gem. First of all, "dumping" millions of dollars in stock he likely paid millions for? I get it! Selling stock from a blind trust and making profit is bad, but making many times your money on the cattle futures market is ok.

Besides, the D's should be really happy Frist made that profit since there is a capital gains tax on it. Guess they'd rather see him lose money, since he's a nasty mean rich Republican. Yeah, make him live like the little guy! Wonder how Jon Corzine likes that deal? Didn't he make his money from the stock market?

News from the dark side: And then there's this on a Washington Post article. Now, obviously I've not met Roy Temple (FU! Maryland is his blog) but he's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. Pity that the state's actually being run well despite the best efforts of the D's in the General Assembly to pass asinine laws and screw it up.

Not only did I happen to comment on the article by showing him another one on the corruption in Montgomery County (read: Doug Duncan) but today there was another article in the online Sun (of all places,) "More Maryland Surpluses Forecast". I don't agree with the spending priorities spoken of by William Donald Schaefer, but I'm glad that the state has some cushion. So give it back!

And I guess even old Peter Angelos had something to say the other day. From the Washington Times:

With Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley on the verge of announcing he will run for governor, the Baltimore Orioles ran a full-page color advertisement in the Baltimore Sun yesterday with a large photograph of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., a Republican, wearing an Orioles jacket.

An orange headline above a photograph read: "Thank you! Governor Ehrlich."

Democrats questioned the reasons for the advertisement and the tribute to Mr. Ehrlich that the Orioles have planned before today's game with the New York Yankees.

"It's a thinly disguised campaign ad," said Derek Walker, spokesman for the Maryland Democratic Party. "It certainly amounts to a significant in-kind contribution to the governor's campaign."

But Bill Stetka, spokesman for the Orioles, said the purpose is to thank Mr. Ehrlich for standing behind the Orioles "when no one else would, with regard to putting a team in Washington and the impact it would have on Baltimore and the ball club."

"It's strictly to thank the governor for taking a stand when no one else would, including the mayor of Baltimore city," he said.

Mr. Stetka said Orioles majority owner Peter Angelos will host a pre-game reception for the governor today. He said Mr. Ehrlich also will be honored in a pre-game ceremonies and will take batting practice and throw out the first ball, the Associated Press reports.

(I didn't link it since it was 1/3 of an article of other unrelated items.)

But politics makes strange bedfellows as the D's will be more than happy to cash the frequent Angelos contribution checks - as long as it's Doug Duncan who wins the Democratic primary.