Thursday, September 22, 2005

Support our troops!

The sign says it all. Hopefully there's a lot of folks in D.C. to have it out with the whiner Cindy Sheehan and and her far-left Communist-sponsored posse.

Just wish people would understand that we're not doing the War on Terror because we like seeing young men and women die. We're not doing it to get more oil or make Halliburton rich or because the neo-cons think that we can prop up Israel by doing so.

We're doing it because we'd rather kill a lot of bad people over there in Iraq and Afghanistan than let them kill us over here (remember 9/11?) The Wahabbists (hopefully I spelled that right) aren't going to stop until they're sent en masse to see their 72 virgins.

Granted, we can do more on our own borders to stop their infiltration but that's a matter that can be solved if the government would quit covering their ass and let private groups like the Minutemen do some of the work of patrolling the border. It worked in Arizona.

But when it comes to killing people and breaking things, it's a job for the military. And they do that job well, with remarkably few civilian casualties. I'd posit that the ratio of enemy combatants to civilians killed by our military is inverse of that proportion of slaughter incurred when the terrorists strike. A homicide bomb might kill one or two of our soldiers but take along 50 to 100 innocent bystanders.

There's only one way that we can deal with fanatics who aren't afraid of death, and that's hasten their journey to it on our terms rather than on theirs. It's the way we're doing it in Iraq, and it is a shame when good people like Spc. Casey Sheehan have to die because of it.

But it's more of a shame when his mother besmirches the good name of all his fallen comrades to pursue what would be a hollow and short-lived truce with the enemy, for the only peace that will occur in this war will take place when one side or the other is vanquished. And I'm strongly of the opinion that our side must prevail or the world becomes plunged in a new Dark Age.