Monday, August 29, 2005

Bet you thought I forgot!

Sorry about the long break between posts. Going to ballgames the last four nights (as Delmarva closed out its home regular season schedule) will play havoc with regular posting.

Was reading another blog tonight called Fired Up! Maryland. Seems to me all they are fired up about is how bad Governor Ehrlich supposedly is. Their latest rant is about how Ehrlich is supposedly putting politics into the electoral process. Seems the way it was always run when the Democrats were in the governor's chair suddenly isn't fair when the GOP has a crack at it.

Now, I'm no expert on this because, hey, I'm just a dumb Buckeye who moved to the so-called Free State, but the way I read it is that Ehrlich appointed a Democrat who supported his election to one of the Democrat seats. (Then the law was changed by the General Assembly so they could make the pick.) Well, given that Maryland is probably a 55-45 Democrat state and also given Ehrlich won the governor's race by getting a majority vote, it stands to reason that SOME Democrats liked him enough to vote for him. Hell, I've crossed party lines a few times in my life, why not 10-15% of the Maryland electorate?

Another rant is about Ehrlich spending his time on WBAL rather than with other media. Let me see, anything he says will get a negative spin from the Baltimore go someplace where he can get his words out in an unvarnished way? Makes sense to me.

But, the lefties can write their blogs too I suppose. I just know mine's right.

Then I followed some of their links and came across this beauty. I really liked this line:

The Republicans will most likely not gain a majority in the General Assembly, but that is not their goal. If Ehrlich is reelected, the Republicans only need to gain enough seats in the Senate and the House to keep the Democrats from overriding Ehrlich's vetoes. If this is the case, we can kiss goodbye to all improvement in our state.

Let's see, improvement being legislatively targeting Wal-Mart, a successful business and major employer, for not spending a certain arbitrary percentage of revenue on health care? That would improve the business at the unemployment office when they cut jobs out, including hundreds in Somerset County.

Improvement like special rights for gays/lesbians? It's very simple - I don't care what you do in the bedroom, love whoever you want. But don't expect me to roll out the red carpet (or should it be lavender?) and pretend you're married. One man, one woman. It's worked for thousands of years.

Voting reform? First you whine because we don't have touch-screen voting. Then you whine because there's no "paper trail." Ever hear of counterfeiters? Who's to say that in some close statewide election, a "paper trail" is found in Baltimore City and it magically puts the Democrat over the top in a close race? Seems to me that happened in Seattle. Gee, a majority Democrat area and they "find" a "missing" box of votes.

Tell you what - I may grant a "paper trail" if you grant showing photo ID at the polling place with the ability to cross-check. Absentee ballots can be handled in a similar manner to registration, with photo ID. Paper trail has a unique identifier number that matches up with the number on the presented ID. Any duplicates or numbers linked to those ineligible to vote (felons) can be thrown out.

Right now it's the Democrats who are working on destroying a state, a nation-state called Iraq, by encouraging the terrorists (with some help from RINOs sucking up to the press. Yes, you, Senator Hagel.) I think Maryland can be prosperous for years to come by putting good conservative Republicans (and Zell Miller Democrats) in the General Assembly and the governor's chair.

I'm sort of an impartial observer in a way; not being from here, I'm not clued in on history. But it's obvious that after 30 years of Democrats in the governor's chair, they did something to piss off the voters. Seems to me the GOP is making positive steps to attract business and maintain a solid revenue stream, anti-business Democrats notwithstanding. The Eastern Shore is doing quite well.

All it would take is about a 10% shift in voting from the "blue" counties in Maryland and this state would be red. Same probably goes for New Castle County in Delaware...small shift to the right and suddenly Delaware's red as well.

If Reagan can win 49 states by being unabashedly conservative, it proves that America can be a conservative country now. It took 20 years for the country to go from a landslide victory for LBJ (and you wonder how many votes were for the Kennedy legacy in that race) to a conservative tide sweeping Reagan to re-election. Since that time, the D's have lost both the House and Senate, and their only president won with pluralities of the vote by running as a centrist.

Maybe Maryland is a little behind the curve statewide, but which party has the positive agenda for the state? And which party can only snipe at the sitting governor, get its way by only being negative, and blame all ills on an opposition President who they claim is illegitimate?

What are the Democrats for anyway? I can say without hesitation that they're not for the power of the individual.