Much like trying to decide whether I want pumpkin pie or apple pie, I'll just take a slice of both!
Lots of pixels lately about the Air America scandal (mostly from blogs like Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin's blog.) On the other hand, Cindy Sheehan's Crawford vigil has gotten a huge amount of ink and airtime from the partisan media. To carry the food analogy a little farther, the Air America troubles appear to the partisan media like that heartburn-inducing half-eaten container of chili that's sat in the fridge for two months and has now gotten fur, while Cindy Sheehan's protest is like freshly cooked filet mignon.
Wonder if the wheels of justice are going to turn on Al Franken's so-called employer. (Thought he was working for free.) I look at it this way - much like trying to steal elections, the libs are trying to steal listeners and revenue. As always, liberalism loses in a free exchange of ideas and in this case, they're losing in people who are willing to listen. (Of course, I can't even do that if I really wanted to, there's no AA affiliates nearby. Compare that list to, say, Rush Limbaugh's.)
Sleazy seems to be the word for Air America. And sleaze is what you get with the fawning coverage of Cindy Sheehan. Ok, the woman lost her son in the War on Terror. I'll grant that.
But let's look at a few hard facts here. Number one, Casey Sheehan volunteered for military duty and knew the risks.
Number two, there's about 1800 other parental units out there that feel the loss of their loved on on the battlefield. Last week, 14 Marines were killed from a unit from Brook Park, Ohio. Their loved ones feel pain, too.
Number three, President Bush has already spoken to her, as well as 900 other relatives of 272 troops who died in the War on Terror. She just didn't get the answers she thought she wanted, and her quest for another turn has been glommed upon by every wacko lefty group out there.
Remember, the partisan media only deigns to highlight those who are bitter and turn into doves once their son or daughter is tragically lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, or the fall of the Twin Towers (remember that?) Never mind the heroes who rarely see the ink they deserve. A creative spin was put on this by an August 7th New York Times editorial:
"...the military, the White House and the culture at large have not publicized (the War on Terror troops') actions with the zeal that was lavished on the heroes of World War I and World War II."
Hey, New York Times, maybe if you spend a minute or two less trashing Bush, glamourizing Hillary, and tying crooked lobbyists to Tom DeLay, then you could talk a bit about the schools and infrastructure we're building in Iraq. Instead, they're trying for Viet Nam redux. But just try and spit on a returning soldier in MY presence.
Cindy Sheehan, your time as a "useful idiot" to the kooky left is just about over. When Bush goes back to Washington, the moonbats will find another spokesperson to mouth their anti-America sentiment (they're working on Hollywood now with a bunch of antiwar movies in production.) So, please go home and try to get on with your post-Casey life.